WTF WHIP Interface?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Posted by Unknown
I was after something else and stumbled on this.

Anyone here ever hear of a WHIP interface? Found a way to enable it by connecting via a serial connection to pins I soldered on the main board. 2wire router(AT&T uverse, etc..)  One of the options on the terminal was to enable “WHIP interface.” After a lot of research it could only mean “Wireless Host Interface Protocol.”

Its a UART(serial) to wireless seams like it operates in the ~890Mhz +-10Mhz range. Seems to be used for MESH networks. Used the software at the following places: Software and hardware for EUR. Cache, parts of the site seam down.  software and hardware  In the software I was able to connect to the COM port. I was able to change setting and send packets and search for “modules” but couldn't find any. Not sure if this was because; my settings were off, Antenna wasn’t strong enough, or simply no one was around to talk to.

Whats weird about this is, zero documentation. zip, zero, none. They don’t even have the FCC codes on the side or inside or anywhere showing this device can preform these actions.  What kind of scares me and I think is illegal. I don’t think this is a good idea that routers can start talking to each other with out anyone knowing. Thinking its a start of setting up a mobile WiMAX or WiMAX
node B / Radio Network Controller / WiMax

PDF of a commercial product that is using this technology. Amber PDF

Patent that seams to be talking about something similar.

There is no real purpose to this post. Its more of a FYI look at some shit I found. If you have any other information or insight that might be of interest let me know.

(Note: I was after the firmware. I am still in the process of downloading this. Once I get it, I might be able to figure out what all this non-sense is.)
  1. Anonymous

    I've been told that these devices have some sort of cellular connection to do out-of-band provisioning, perhaps that is what you stumbled upon? Without looking up the exact frequency i'm guessing its close to gsm850?

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