Python Script: IP Address to 10digit decimal to IP address

Friday, November 30, 2012 Posted by Unknown
When hacking android apps I learned today that you can convert a IP address into a 10digit decimal number. This number is still valid in any web browser. I wrote two python programs to go both ways ;)

Used for the math.

From 10digit decimal to ip address:

#convert 10digit decimal formated ipaddress to normal ipaddress
#by init6

import sys

def main():
    #read file and convert each line to ip address. Comment out to ask for input.
    with open('c:\ipaddress.txt', 'r') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            print (convert(int(line)))

    #ask for input (dec format) Uncomment to ask for input.
    #decIn = input("Enter 10 digit decimal formated ipaddress: ")
def convert(decIn):

    if is32(decIn) == True:
        #convert dec to hex
        fullHex = hex(decIn).lstrip("0x")

        #Split hex number into four pairs
        hex1 = fullHex[0:2]
        hex2 = fullHex[2:4]
        hex3 = fullHex[4:6]
        hex4 = fullHex[6:8]
        #Convert each hex to decimal then to a string and return ip address.
        ipAddr = ( str(int(hex1,16)) + '.' + str(int(hex2,16)) + '.' + str(int(hex3,16)) + '.' + str(int(hex4,16)) )
        return ipAddr
#Checks to see if input is a 32bit int or less to make sure its a vaild ip address.         
def is32(n):
    except (TypeError, ValuueError):
        return False

    if len(bin(n)[2:]) <= 32:
        return True
        print ("Not a vaild 32bit 10 digit decimal")
        return False

From IP Address to 10 digit decimal.

#convert ip address to a 10digit decimal formated ipaddress.
#by init6

import sys

def main():
    ipAddr = raw_input("Type in IP Address to convert to 10digit decimal: ")
    print ( convert(ipAddr) )

def convert(ipAddr):
    out = ipAddr.split('.')
    octets = [int(out[0]), int(out[1]), int(out[2]), int(out[3])]
    hexNum = '{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(*octets)
    return int(hexNum, 16)

Labels: , ,
  1. Is this the same as?

    struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(IP))[0]

    Where IP is the ip address to be converted.


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