UPDATE: Cracking 2WIRE WPA1/2

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Posted by Unknown

My previous post had a few problems with the script. Then I had updated the script to work properly. http://pastie.org/5101804  However, it was still way to slow. Asked around and found the following solution.  


#Python 3
#Name: 2wire.py
#by: INIT_6
#Count from 0000000000 - 9999999999 skipping any numbers that repeat them selfs more then 3 times like 333

import sys
from threading import Thread

def count1(first, ver):
    MAX_INT = 999000000
    BAD_PATTERNS = {x * 3 for x in '0123456789'}
    # Use xrange for Python 2.7
    for number in range(MAX_INT):
        int_string = str(number).rjust(9, '0')
        if any(pattern in int_string for pattern in BAD_PATTERNS):
        print ( str(first) + str(number).rjust(9, '0') )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for x in '0123456789':
            Thread(target=count1, args=(x,1)).start()
        except: # Exception, errtxt:
           print ( errtxt )

Still have some work. I need to test the threading better and set up a queue so it will only start as many threads as the computer can handle.

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